Maybe it bothers me more than it should: default dates
9Every programer/database person. For decades. Has understood the concept of a default date. We use 19000101 here but there are other verious obvious ones.
And when you see something that looks off in the data because you ran an EXTREMELY BASIC query. On a database you do not know anything about.
You SHOULD have experience and you SHOULD apply logic. AT A MINIMUM.
THEN check the code, check the queries, check the reports, and understand the question. And the full flow.
And maybe before you have to do all that. Just ask someone how to read the the report and don’t waste your time.
This is where elon/Trump fake social security claims come from. And. I’m just offended that they are this stupid. At least use real programmers/SEs/analyst
- This topic was locked by Thumperchick
But those cost money, and Elon is running DOGE, not DOGS! (Dept. Of Gov. Spending)
(Although it’s certainly true that they cost money. AI might be able to do a lot already, but it can’t handle everything in software creation and maintenance. And debugging.
Or maybe it can, but nobody’s actually using that version yet.)
This belongs in the Political Bullshit 2025