Over the years we’ve had several dogs. Most of them were medium to medium large. My preference is your run-of-the-mill “Heinz 57” mutt. They seem to be the most even tempered and healthy overall.
Love my dogs. Would never adopt a dog again. They’re far too loud and needy and you can’t travel anywhere when you have dogs unless you’re rich. Cats you can just have a friend pop in and give food/water for a little while.
Cats for me going forwards…
… But if I did get a dog again it would be a small one, not another giant poop machine.
Yes. Travel was a bit problematic when we had a dog. Thankfully they were mostly outside dogs so we could be gone for a week or 10 days by leaving food in an “automated” feeder and water out for them (only had one dog at a time).
And yes, the current (2) feline overlords are actually easy to maintain while gone. Again, gravity fed dry food bin feeder and water in the house with a cat door that is chipped to their RFID chips. They can let themselves in and out as they please. We have a friend come by every 3 or 4 days to check and make sure they’re doing okay, hand out ‘scritches’ and put out extra food in the feeder, as needed. I think she would actually pay us to come sit with the cats since she doesn’t have any at home and is a big fan. At any rate, they are pretty easy to plan travel around, and very attentive when we come home.
I’ve had several dogs over the years - all but one was large (50-100lbs). My all-time favorite was a female Doberman (Erin, ~90lbs) that I raised from a pup - strong, easy going, obedient, beautiful.
Small rescue: Havanese, ShihTsu, Maltese and a load of others. DNA check shows 6 breeds at least one of which the vet didn’t even know. High energy and smart… looking forward to toys to keep him busy, otherwise it’s shoes, paper towels, and hiding his own snack in the couch so he can find and surprise himself later
Someone else’s.
@tweezak And thank you for asking.
@werehatrack My pleasure. I wanted to make that crack about being a furry but there was no conversation and it was driving me nuts.
I’m kinda looking forward to what @pooltoywolf has to say.
@tweezak @werehatrack Oversize!
My wife has a furry suit I like. Sometimes I prefer the leather doggy mask though.
In case you forgot

Fancy pants cats or big dogs, Weimaraners and Labs.

A wolf (aren’t they just wild dogs? teehee)''
Over the years we’ve had several dogs. Most of them were medium to medium large. My preference is your run-of-the-mill “Heinz 57” mutt. They seem to be the most even tempered and healthy overall.
All the dogs, well most anyway. I care less about size and more about temperament.
But no Chihuahuas, they are just pure evil
/giphy puppies

rescue dogs, only way to go…
@bayportbob Ski Patrol?
Love my dogs. Would never adopt a dog again. They’re far too loud and needy and you can’t travel anywhere when you have dogs unless you’re rich. Cats you can just have a friend pop in and give food/water for a little while.
Cats for me going forwards…
… But if I did get a dog again it would be a small one, not another giant poop machine.
Yes. Travel was a bit problematic when we had a dog. Thankfully they were mostly outside dogs so we could be gone for a week or 10 days by leaving food in an “automated” feeder and water out for them (only had one dog at a time).
And yes, the current (2) feline overlords are actually easy to maintain while gone. Again, gravity fed dry food bin feeder and water in the house with a cat door that is chipped to their RFID chips. They can let themselves in and out as they please. We have a friend come by every 3 or 4 days to check and make sure they’re doing okay, hand out ‘scritches’ and put out extra food in the feeder, as needed. I think she would actually pay us to come sit with the cats since she doesn’t have any at home and is a big fan. At any rate, they are pretty easy to plan travel around, and very attentive when we come home.
@chienfou yes … I love dogs… But I think when mine pass on, as much as I love them, I will only love other people’s dogs in the future.
My home will always be open for friends and family dogs as a place of refuge, but wouldn’t want a dog full time again.
Wise choice. You have to be 110% committed to adopt a fur baby in my opinion
I’ve had several dogs over the years - all but one was large (50-100lbs). My all-time favorite was a female Doberman (Erin, ~90lbs) that I raised from a pup - strong, easy going, obedient, beautiful.
Small rescue: Havanese, ShihTsu, Maltese and a load of others. DNA check shows 6 breeds at least one of which the vet didn’t even know. High energy and smart… looking forward to toys to keep him busy, otherwise it’s shoes, paper towels, and hiding his own snack in the couch so he can find and surprise himself later