Merry Christmas?!
Yes. Too soon. But, more problematic is that I hear it in Samuel L. Jackson’s voice, yet it feels truncated because it’s too “family friendly”. It needs the rest of the phrase to feel “correct”. But definitely too soon.
@Doooood Yes.
Now go the fuck to sleep.
@Doooood Try imagining Levar Burton (Reading Rainbow) saying that
(He actually did a reading)
Found Easter pasta in Lidl today. Not sure if early,.or late.
Merry Christmas?!
Yes. Too soon. But, more problematic is that I hear it in Samuel L. Jackson’s voice, yet it feels truncated because it’s too “family friendly”. It needs the rest of the phrase to feel “correct”. But definitely too soon.
@Doooood Yes.
Now go the fuck to sleep.
Try imagining Levar Burton (Reading Rainbow) saying that
(He actually did a reading)
Found Easter pasta in Lidl today. Not sure if early,.or late.