Help me out here, folks

ExtraMedium went on a bit of a rant said

I’ve always enjoyed puzzles and games. I got it from my mom who could spend hours every night playing Tetris on my original Gameboy. I raised my kids to enjoy them as well, but they’re not really into the stuff I like because…well, kids, right?

Back in March of 2023, I convinced my mom to share her Wordle score with me and since then (almost 2 years now without missing a single day) we text each other once a day with our Wordle scores. No real conversation needed, but it does turn into a chance to chat from time to time. Most importantly, it lets me know she’s ok. We’re not getting any younger and she lives 2000 miles away so I can’t just pop by her house to check in. She’s extremely independent and would never want/allow someone to do daily checks, but that little game is fun for both of us and works out great.

Now the part I need your help with. What daily games are out there that you enjoy the most? The reason I ask is because my youngest just moved into their first apartment at the beginning of the month. Don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely loving the empty nest situation, but I’m struggling to keep communication open. I think if I can find a game that we are both interested in, a daily competition on the score would allow them to check on me, and me to check on them without making me feel any older or them feeling less independent. I don’t really want to install any new apps or have to sit through a lot of ads just to play for 1-5 minutes a day, but if it’s the right game I’m sure I’d give it a shot.

So, please share any suggestions or just list your favorites. The only requirements are that it changes daily but has a universal goal and provides a score. That removes stuff like racing games or fighting/shooting games since everyone gets a random setup. Best if it’s just a web-based game or loads on a webpage as well, but I might be able to make an app work for them if the game is enjoyable enough.